Philosophy of Religion

Yale-NUS College, Fall 2023

Key Information

Module Description

In this module, we will examine some central philosophical issues concerning religious belief and practice. Much, but not all, of our focus will be on topics relevant to the intersection of the great Abrahamic religions -- Judaism, Islam, and Christianity -- especially classical theism, the view that there is an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent creator of the cosmos.

Topics may include the problem of evil, petitionary prayer, and religious experience. Most reading assignments will draw from contemporary Anglophone philosophical sources (esp. journal articles), supplemented with some literature.

Questions and Topics

The module will revolve around some questions in the philosophy of religion, including:

Policies and Assignments

Guiding Principles

In this module, as in all others, I will aim to both challenge and exercise care for students.

This module will -- as one might expect for a 3000-level module -- be pitched somewhere between a 4000-level philosophy module intended exclusively for majors and an introductory 2000-level philosophy module or PPT. Students who have never taken a philosophy module can expect to find topics and readings challenging. Several units within the module will make substantive use of formal reasoning skills introduced in QR (probabilistic reasoning in a Bayesian framework). It will benefit many to brush up on Bayes' Theorem before the third week of this module.


Your grade for the module will be determined by the following activities (click for details):

Class Attendance

You may miss up to two class meetings without penalty. Beyond that, each unexcused absence will count against your Engagement grade. You may ameliorate up to one unexcused absence with an additional Prep.

Academic Integrity

I tend to be an easy-going professor. Exceptions to this rule tend to involve intellectual fraud. Avoid intellectual fraud, submit only your own best work, and cite your sources. Use of generative tools should be explicitly acknowledged. Talk with me if you have any questions on this matter. Consider yourself warned; there will be no further warning.


If you have a condition that interferes with your ability to participate in this module, you may be entitled to accommodation. Please contact your Assistant Dean of Students to secure such accommodation.

Schedule and Readings

You need not purchase any books for this module. If you have trouble accessing the readings, or if printing them imposes difficulties, email me.

Tuesday 15 August
Welcome! Read the syllabus before coming to class
Friday 18 August
The logical problem of evil Mackie -- Evil and Omnipotence

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Tuesday 22 August
The free will defense Plantinga -- The Free Will Defense (pp. 29-64)

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Neha, Ryan
Friday 25 August
Arguments from particular evil Rowe -- The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism;
Adams -- Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God (sections I-III)

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Mark, Jodi
Tuesday 29 August
More theodicy and defense van Inwagen -- The Problem of Evil

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Claudia, Constance
Friday 1 September
No class meeting Public holiday
Tuesday 5 September
The evidential problem of evil Draper -- God, Evil and the Nature of Light

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Urte, Alex
Friday 8 September
Fine-tuning Collins -- The Fine-Tuning Argument

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Anthea, Lecarl
Tuesday 12 September
(cont.) Sober -- The Design Argument (focus on pp.133-139; skim the rest);
Weisberg -- Firing Squads and Fine-Tuning
Preps: Dain, Sean
Friday 15 September
Petitionary prayer Stump -- Petitionary Prayer

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Jesse, Danan
Tuesday 19 September
Petitionary prayer Thornton -- Wanting to Change the Mind of the Being Who Knows Best

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Ryan, Neha
Friday 22 September
Prayer (no class meeting) Gross -- Meditation and Prayer: A Comparative Inquiry;
Tanaka -- Christian Prayer Seen from the Eyes of a Buddhist
Tuesday 3 October
Atheistic prayer Kleinschmidt -- Atheistic Prayer

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Jodi, Mark
Friday 6 October
Religious disagreement Feldman -- Reasonable Religious Disagreements

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Claudia, Constance
6 October: Paper Outline Due
Tuesday 10 October
Religious disagreement King -- Religious Skepticism and Higher-Order Evidence

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Urte, Alex
Friday 13 October
Religious disagreement Plantinga -- Pluralism: A Defense of Religious Exclusivism
Preps: Anthea, Lecarl
Tuesday 17 October
Religious agreement Bogardus and Urban -- How to tell whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Dain, Sean
Friday 20 October
Religious agreement Smith -- The Common Consent Argument for the Existence of Nature Spirits

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Jesse, Danan
Tuesday 24 October
Faith Buchak -- Faith and steadfastness
Preps: Alex
Friday 27 October
Faith (Gone for Conference) Jeffrey -- Does hope morally vindicate faith?
Tuesday 31 October
Applied topics: Islamic Theodicy Mobini -- An Islamic Theodicy
Preps: X, Y
Friday 3 November
Applied topics: Talmudic theodicy Lebens & Goldschmidt -- The Promise of a New Past

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Pandora
Tuesday 7 November
Applied topics: Thinking -- human and divine Bailey -- Monotheism and Human Nature (Sections 1, 3, and 5)
Preps: Dain
Friday 10 November
No class meeting Be well
Tuesday 14 November
Applied topics: God and morality Antony -- Good Minus God;
Heathwood -- Could Morality Have a Source?

Optional Reading (click to expand)

Preps: Pandora
Friday 17 November
Review No assigned readings
24 November: Full Paper Due